Events in Barcelona


Barcelona is an active city with year-round festivities ranging from local parades and Saints’ Day celebrations to famous music festivals such as Primavera Sound and Cruella. Obtain the Best information about eventos en barcelona.

Every neighborhood holds its street party and August sees the streets of Gracia transformed into an imaginative fantasy world with each block decorated to fit a specific theme.

Primavera Sound

Life in Barcelona can sometimes feel like one big celebration and festivals and celebrations are an integral part of daily life here. From international music stars performing live to artisan markets and cava/wine tasting events – there’s an event or activity suitable for every taste here!

Primavera Sound stands as one of the greatest modern music festival success stories. While Sonar, Spain’s other celebrated modern music fest, tends towards electronic beats, Primavera Sound offers up an indie band bonanza for thousands of music lovers to enjoy at its purpose-built outdoor arena that seems tailor-made for this festival – no muddy fields here!

Once Lent begins, Carnival, an annual religious celebration and party with plenty of floats, fancy dress, and fun can begin in earnest. Celebrated annually on the Saturday before Ash Wednesday (Lent begins four days later), Carnival takes over many areas of a city’s streets with parades featuring parades of papier-mache figures, music, and acrobatic performances; especially lively is Sitges where most of this happens and most participants dress up!

Feria del Vino (Vino and Cava Fair), typically held each May, brings together some of Catalonia’s best bodegas to showcase their products alongside cooking demonstrations, tasting sessions, and workshops.

Summer in Barcelona means picnics filled with cava and jamon are a regular occurrence in its parks, while you can make the most of its balmy weather by attending open-air cinema showings or picnicking at Montjuic castle, offering stunning city views. Or you could visit one of Barcelona’s ‘fer el vermut’ (wine and vermouth bars), which represents the more authentic culture of Barcelona; these long-established bars make a great place to soak up the atmosphere while meeting locals!


City life remains active year-round with festivals, celebrations, and parades galore in this bustling metropolis. Festivals range from long-standing experimental music showcase Sonar and Primavera Sound concerts to more eclectic Cruilla events that cater to everyone’s taste – there is sure to be something here for every taste!

Since 2005, this event has provided an immersive cultural experience and meeting point for different musical styles. Held annually since then, it has proven immensely popular and was temporarily canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak; however, it returned in 2022 with a two-week format.

Although named for a Catalan word meaning ‘cross”, this festival does not focus on one particular genre or subculture; rather it serves as an open platform showcasing various contemporary cultural and musical genres from across both national and international artists.

As well as its musical offerings, the festival also hosts various other events and programs. These include workshops, talks, and screenings curated by a team of experts with diverse programming such as former US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice talking at this edition’s edition.

An impressive highlight of the festival is its culinary offerings. Previous festivals have showcased restaurants from around the globe as well as Michelin-star chefs. Food stalls, cooking classes, and markets round out this program.

Carnaval is a major celebration in Barcelona and throughout Spain, similar to Halloween but with more glitz and glam. Held each year during the week before Lent begins and lasting several days, this celebration attracts hundreds of revelers each year.

St George (St Jordi) Day in Catalonia marks another special event since this saint fought and killed a dragon terrorizing Princess Catarina. To commemorate this special event, men traditionally give their significant others roses while women often give books; today, however, this custom has changed considerably.


Grec, named for a mock Greek theater of the same name, hosts its flagship cultural festival every summer in various outdoor locations around the city. Alongside live performances, it also hosts workshops and creative technology experiences designed to complement these performances.

Barcelona, as an expansive and welcoming city, features many attractions that promote tolerance and diversity. These range from commemorating LGBT history through parades to events dedicated to arts of disabled artists – highlighting Barcelona’s distinctive character as an inclusive community.

Culture lovers can indulge their passion at one of Barcelona’s outstanding museums. The Picasso Museum, MNAC, and other top institutions provide exhibitions sure to enthrall visitors.

On the first Sunday of every month, visiting Barcelona’s top museums is an ideal experience: ticket-office staff have some time off work and entrance fees are waived completely!

Experience some of Barcelona’s finest cultural events while having fun with your children too – perfect for families with young ones!

On Epiphany (or Kings Day) on 5th January, an elaborate and festive parade commemorating the gifts given by the Three Wise Men is held in Port Vell, and then set off on their journey of floats with clowns and elves distributing sweets along its route.

Catalonians celebrate St Jordi (St George’s Day), commemorating Miguel Cervantes and Don Quijote author Miguel Cervantes’ death, by exchanging roses and books between men, while women usually give roses back in exchange for one book of their choice. On this same day is also celebrated “l’ou com balla,” an amusing custom in which an eggshell with holes inside it placed a fountain at a cathedral’s cloister bobbles around and “dances” with each turn of its movement – quite peculiar but unique to Catalan traditions!

Festa Major

Festes Majors brings life to the streets and squares of Barcelona each year through neighborhood associations’ planning of district street festivals known as Festes Majors. Held throughout the year by these festivals, residents can meet neighbors while experiencing Catalonian traditions first-hand. Once religious services, today these events celebrate Catalan culture – offering visitors their best opportunity to witness dancers perform Sardana, gegants (giants), castells (human towers), or correfocs (fire runs).

Not to be mistaken with large national or regional events, community festivals tend to be smaller celebrations that focus more on meeting your neighbors and enjoying an old-fashioned party than on food – although both are available! Festivals also serve as great ways to gain insight into local culture since each festival reflects the personality and traditions of its area.

At the Gracia Festival, decorations adorning its namesake district are celebrated through decorations on many of the neighborhood streets. Prize money is awarded to those with elaborate designs; thus each street takes its theme seriously and takes part in it by decorating like ski chalets or Alice in Wonderland! Such examples show what an impactful difference simple yet creative decorations can have on an urban environment.

These neighborhood parties create a wonderful ambiance, and everyone from children to senior citizens enjoy them immensely. Families can stroll the festively decorated streets at nighttime or listen to one of the musical concerts; while during the daytime you might find an entire community sitting on their balconies eating together for dinner or playing cards together in one of the plazas.

Catalonia boasts more than 1,014 festivals or “festes majors” annually, so chances are good you’ll find one near your neighborhood! For more details about dates and locations of festival events in Catalonia, consult our interactive map – it can help make planning easier – just click any square on it for additional details! Alternatively, one can attend one of several local neighborhood festivals that take place over the summer!

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