How to Maintain Your Diet When Traveling


Diabetes can lead to severe complications such as heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney disease, nerve damage, severe digestive issues, recurring infections, and more, yet no treatment is available.

A diet that is (1) low in sugar, (2) low in fat, (3) low in salt, (4) high in fiber, and (5) digested slowly can help you prevent these adverse outcomes. That’s why it’s so important to eat whole, plant-based meals that haven’t been altered in any way. You should also eliminate all egg and dairy products from your diet and increase your water intake.

When you’re in charge of what goes into your fridge and pantry at home, it’s simple to stick to a diet like this.

How do you spend your time when you’re not at home, such as at work or out with friends?

In the workplace

Packing a lunch and bringing it to the office in a disposable plastic container is a good idea. That way, you may manage your diet as carefully as at home.

Cold beans or other protein (such as lean meat), a mixed salad, and some carbs in wholemeal bread can easily make up a healthy, diabetes-beating lunch. Low-fat hummus with pita bread and vegetable sticks is another option.

At the office, snacks are just as crucial. Crunchy raw vegetables like celery or carrots, chopped into bite-sized pieces, are a great choice. If you find them dull, you can spice them up with a low-fat dip like soy yogurt.

Try eating fruit like apples, pears, grapes, or raisins for an instant energy boost. Remember that raisins are dried grapes and are, therefore, high in natural sugar. You should only eat about a third as many raisins as you would fresh grapes.

You can switch things up by including some non-dairy yogurts in the mix. By reading labels carefully, be wary of hidden ‘flavor-enhancing’ substances like sugar, fat, and casein (a dairy protein).

Popcorn popped in the air is one of the few processed foods acceptable as a snack. You won’t find any added sugars or sodium in this, and it’s naturally low in calories and fat. The trouble is that commercial popcorn contains unhealthy additives like fat, sugar, and salt. So, be sure you read the labels before making any purchases. Better still, pop your corn in the microwave at home. Very simple.

Roasted chickpeas make a tasty, protein-rich snack that can easily be transported from home in resealable plastic bags to the workplace. Turn the oven temperature up to 400 degrees. The chickpeas in the can must be washed, drained, and dried. Spread the chickpeas on a baking pan and toss them with a tablespoon of olive oil. If you want them extra crispy and golden, bake them for an additional 20 minutes.

If you have type 2 diabetes, drink several liters of water daily to keep yourself hydrated. Coffee or tea is another option for a pick-me-up.

However, coffee should be consumed “plain black” without any additives. Do not drink milk from cows. If you need “white,” non-dairy creamer will do the trick.

Green tea is another stimulating beverage that can be enjoyed multiple times daily.

Subway Restaurants

Sandwich shops are great places to grab a quick bite if you forgot to pack your lunch. You regain a part of your autonomy while preparing meals in the comfort of your home by selecting the bread and deciding what fillings to use, given the options at your disposal.

If you’re making a sandwich, opt for whole-grain bread or wraps rather than white bread because they contain more nutrients and lower glycemic index.

If you order your sandwiches to order, you can control the amount of unhealthy ingredients (such as mayonnaise or sugary sauce) that go on them.

Processed (deli) meats are typically heavy in fat and sodium; therefore, fresh-sliced lean meat is the better option. Without a big mayonnaise-based salad, turkey and chicken are your best bets.

You should limit your bread intake if you’re on a low-carb diet. You could have soup or put the meat on a salad. A slice of fruit is a great way to acquire the carbs you need on the go.

Provisions shops

Ready-to-eat sandwiches and other light meals and snacks are now widely available at supermarkets and local grocery (convenience) stores. They have a decent selection, especially in the frozen department, where you may buy treats like popsicles made with low-fat non-dairy yogurt.

However, before making a purchase, it is essential to check the labels.

Carrots and other raw vegetables make excellent snacks since they are low in calories and carbohydrates yet still provide a satisfying crunch. Furthermore, they are an ideal nutritional supplement. Packets of sliced veggies with low-fat dips are the healthiest option (but check the label and avoid drops with added sugar or salt).

Alternatively, you may pick up a tub of plain, unsweetened non-dairy yogurt from the grocery store and mix in some tiny pieces of fruit for a quick and healthy snack.

Rapid-fire fusions

When out and about with loved ones, avoiding fast food restaurants like burger eateries might be difficult.

The problem is that a typical fast food meal (burger and fries) can contain as many as 1,000 calories, equivalent to almost half of an adult’s daily calorie needs. Most of these foods, especially the buns and the French fries, have high glycemic index values, which might cause a dramatic increase in blood glucose.

When you see words like “jumbo,” “giant,” or “deluxe” attached to a menu item, you can rest assured that it is loaded with sugar and fat in addition to calories.

Choose a kid-sized burger sans the cheese for the most outstanding results. This will provide a nutritious lunch with moderate amounts of carbs, fat, and protein. Eat salad, baby carrots, or apple slices instead of fries.

A shish-kebab (spit-roasted lamb) or something similar, with some mixed salad and whole-grain pita bread, would be a much better option for someone with type 2 diabetes.

Espresso bars

You must hang around in coffee shops if you want a social life. And there is no issue as long as you avoid sugary and creamy specialty coffees. Don’t even bother with the sticky buns.

Your best bet is to get something straightforward to drink. Select an unsweetened cup of tea, an Americano, or an espresso.

A latte prepared with low-fat soy or almond milk might be another option. Make sure you use a sugar-free syrup if you want it flavored. Make sure you’re only consuming healthy possibilities by checking the label.

You obviously can’t treat yourself to a Danish pastry or other sweets now.

But if you must snack, consider a raisin scone that has been toasted. A lightly toasted scone’s exterior will be crunchy, but the interior will be warm, moist, and sweet from the raisins. The GI of more than one would be quite high, so limit yourself to just one. There’s no need for butter or jam because it’s already loaded with raisins.

Concession stands

Stay away from snack machines. Almost everything they sell is loaded with unhealthy amounts of salt, fat, and sugar.

A tiny bar of plain dark chocolate with raisins is the best option if you need a pick-me-up from a vending machine. But don’t devour the whole thing. The other half can be donated or discarded.

As you can see, maintaining your diabetes-fighting diet while traveling is possible with a bit of planning.

Type 2 diabetes affects Paul D. Kennedy. About five years ago, he stopped using drugs to regulate his blood glucose levels, having used his expertise as an international consultant and researcher to establish a solution to control his diabetes with nutrition alone. The website has further information, or you can email Paul directly at [email protected]. Beating Diabetes, his book is sold digitally and in print through Amazon and the Create Space online bookstore, respectively.

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