Islamic Society of Tulsa (IST)


Assalamu alaikum
To: Muslim scholars, leaders, peace activists, Islamic Societies, and Muslim religious, social, and cultural organizations worldwide.
Subject: Celebrating Worldwide Quran Day
As you know, the Quran is the word of Allah (SWT). It has been preserved in its original form since it was revealed and its peaceful message remains intact, to this day. Due to the lack of knowledge among the Non-Muslim community (about the Quran and its meaning), certain individuals have spread false ideas, such as the promotion of violence and hatred towards others mentioned in the Quran. However on the other hand, the demand for a better understanding of the Quran has also increased greatly within the non-Muslim community. In order to respond to this demand, an attempt has been made to organize the spread of the awareness of this issue.
It was suggested by the chairman of Al-Muslim on Society of North America, to designate a day as “Worldwide Quran Day”, in which Muslims around the globe, can study and spread the message of the Noble Quran.
Proposed activities
The following activities have been proposed for International Quran Day:
The greatness of the Noble Quran should be discussed in Friday Sermons.
Open houses geared towards the local public.
Quran conferences and seminars focused on its meaning and the messages within.
Quranic Calligraphy in the form of pictures and paintings be displayed.
Competitions of the recitation of the Noble Quran, along with contests on articles regarding the Quran and its Message.
An in-depth discussion on the scientific proofs and the miracles of the Noble Quran.
Book stands ranging from Quran translations to Tafseer, along with different books about the Quran.
T-Shirts, wristbands, stickers, key chains, and other souvenirs containing the message of the Quran.
Free translations of the Quran available for distribution.
A public awareness campaign be held in the form of billboard advertisements, TV commercials, and radio ads.
Date of Quran Day
After consulting with several Muslim scholars and religious leaders, it was unanimously agreed upon that the first Friday of March be selected as the International Quran Day. We at Al-Muslimoon Society of North America, call upon the Muslim Ummah worldwide to positively respond to this issue and be united on this matter.
Therefore, every year, the first Friday of March will be observed as International Quran Day. It is humbly requested that all religious communities take a part in this cause, and do the effort to promote this campaign. Please visit us at to sign your name among the many that support this cause
